ClearTradingSignals | Risk Disclosure

Risk Disclosure

Trading Signals for Informational and Educational Purposes Only

The trading signals provided are for informational and educational purposes only. They are not intended as investment advice, nor are they a recommendation to trade any particular financial instrument or product. Trading in financial markets involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. You should carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your financial condition, experience, and risk tolerance.

No Guarantee of Accuracy

While we strive to provide accurate and timely information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any trading signals. Market conditions can change rapidly, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Any reliance you place on the trading signals is strictly at your own risk.

Not a Licensed Financial Advisor

We are not licensed financial advisors, brokers, or dealers. The information provided in our trading signals is based on our personal analysis and opinions and should not be interpreted as professional financial advice. Please consult with a licensed financial advisor or other professional to ensure you understand the risks before engaging in any form of trading.

No Liability

We shall not be held responsible for any losses, damages, or negative consequences incurred as a result of using the trading signals. By using these signals, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the risks involved in trading, and you agree to hold us harmless for any financial outcomes. To the maximum extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability for losses or damages arising from the use of this site, including from following its trading signals, communication, or advice.

Technical and Market Risks

Use of loss-limiting strategies such as stop-loss orders may not always be effective due to market volatility or technological issues, which may make it impossible to execute such orders. Strategies involving combinations of positions, such as spreads or straddles, carry risks comparable to those of simple long and short positions.

User Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and understand the risks involved in trading before acting on any trading signals. You are solely responsible for making your own trading decisions and for any results that arise from your actions. Independent professional advice should be sought if you do not fully understand the risks involved.